Partnerships and Networks are essential for a successful NGO nowadays. To rather share mutual goals, to build and sustain collective support and to gain benefits for our members and enthusiasts.
Collaborating with Partners

Global Impact
We also pledge to participate in and engage with the UN Global Compact in the following ways:
– To encourage as our public work corporates to join and support the United Nations Global
Impact Principles.
– To engage with the global compact local networks, to leverage synergy effects and to
support projects and teams.
– To promote the UN Global Compact Ten Principles and educate a variety of audiences about
sustainability threw our conferences and events.
– If possible, we want to support and/or host UN Global Compact events at our headquarter or
organize with other members events in Europe.
– Elaborate partnerships between countries, companies and public sector, support initiatives
and contributed to developing resources and tools.

International Aid Transparency Initiative
The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) is a global campaign to create transparency in the records of how aid money is spent. The initiative hopes to thereby ensure that aid money reaches its intended recipients. The ultimate goal is to improve standards of living worldwide and globally reduce poverty. The IATI also publishes a standard to be used by organizations, allowing different datasets to be combined and shared.

Deutscher Fundraising Verband
Der Deutsche Fundraising Verband e. V. (DFRV) ist ein gemeinnütziger Fachverband für haupt- sowie ehrenamtliche Fundraiser, Spendenorganisationen, Dienstleister im Fundraisingbereich, Vertreter aus Wissenschaft und Forschung und alle Personen, die sich in Deutschland für eine „Kultur des Gebens“ einsetzen.
Der Verband ist europaweit der zweitgrößte Bundesverband seiner Art. Gefördert werden der regionale, nationale und internationale Informationsaustausch im Fundraisingbereich und die Entwicklung nationaler und internationaler Standards in Fragen der Fundraising-Ethik.

Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft
Die Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft (ITZ) wurde im Juni 2010 von Transparency International Deutschland ins Leben gerufen. Getragen wird die Initiative von Transparency International Deutschland (TI-D), dem Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen, dem Deutschen Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen (DZI), dem Deutschen Fundraising Verband, dem Deutschen Kulturrat, dem Deutschen Naturschutzring, dem Deutschen Spendenrat, der Maecenata Stiftung und dem Verband Entwicklungspolitik und Humanitäre Hilfe deutscher Nichtregierungsorganisationen (VENRO).

Citizen for Europe
Citizens for Europe is a nonprofit organization that was created by European civil society actors in order to give a voice to the European society. It aims to help connect and form alliances between European organizations in order to raise their profile in the media and carry more weight when dealing with political decision makers.
Citizens for Europe is geared around three general activities: Linking the European community, promoting its members activities and agenda, and promoting its own agenda. Its network is made up of over 400 European organizations, along with a multitude of individuals working across almost every European country.