Basic rules for a good, ethical fundraising - Practice

Rules for organizations


Solidarity is an essential element of human coexistence in the pursuit of a better future. It is the foundation of a dynamic civil society based on the freedom and individual responsibility of the individual. A solidary society is realized mainly by the fact that people, institutions and Voluntary support for public interest concerns.
Committed to the common good institutions and organizations see themselves as a mediator between support seekers and supporters and as a trustee of the legitimate interests of both sides. They commit to ethical action. This task and the special confidence in fundraising make a good, ethical fundraising practice indispensable.
The German Fundraising Association wants to strengthen this basis of trust with its principles for a good, ethical fundraising. This includes adhering to its charter of donor rights.

We respect the dignity and the protection of human life as the basis of our actions.

2. Law
We act according to the letter of the applicable law.

3. Common good
Through our example and our own actions, we strengthen commitment to philanthropy, solidarity and thus to the common good.

4. Commitment to ethical action As a public-interest organization, we commit ourselves to adhering to these ethical standards and create the appropriate framework for our employees.

5. Integrity
We practice our activity with integrity, truthfulness and honesty. There is no purpose justifying fundraising with unfair methods.

6. Transparency
We commit to providing true, timely, accurate and comprehensive information about the objectives and work of the organization, the people responsible, and the transparency of financial reporting. This must be complete and comprehensible. We publish annual reports, which ia. to document the advertising and administrative costs in separate form and the remuneration of the management bodies.

7. Fairness
We refrain from any unethical behavior, especially in advertising, with respect to persons, service providers and other organizations. First of all, being unethical means excessive emotionalizing, misleading, insulting, libel, denunciation, or otherwise degrading behavior towards third parties.

8. Free decision
We fully respect the free choice and decision of third parties, in particular potential and existing supporters. We refrain from any undue pressure on their decisions.

9. Privacy
We respect the personal wishes and requirements of potential and existing supporters to protect their privacy.

10. Privacy
We attach particular importance to the observance of the legal data protection regulations.

11. Use of funds
We commit to an effective and efficient use of funds and to recording and controlling the effects of the funds deployed.

12. Further education
We assure and improve the quality of our work by keeping our main and
Give volunteers the opportunity to develop or expand their professional knowledge, skills and competences.

13. Exchange
We cultivate the open and trusting professional exchange of our own
Employees with those of other organizations also beyond the national framework.

14. Remuneration
We ensure a fair, non-discriminatory remuneration for all paid employees and the transparent handling of compensation models. We do not practice any remuneration, predominantly as a percentage, without any limitation on the success of the donation and on the grants we have received.
Service providers who perform on our behalf, we commit to comply with these rules to their employees also.
In exceptional cases, this provision may be deviated from if it is ensured by means of internal control and training systems that neither undue pressure is exerted on potential supporters nor on the paid employees. In particular, provisions must be made to prevent labor regulations such as minimum wages and others from being circumvented.

15. Self-determination
We do not make any commitments to supporters, service providers or employees who determine our actions inappropriately.

16. bias and conflicts of interest
We oblige all persons acting for the organization not to exploit their relationships with potential and existing supporters for private and non-statutory purposes.