„I could either watch it happen, or be a part of it“

Elon Musk


„Space is a multi-dimensional framework in which we can sense direction and quantify distances between objects or points.“  ~ Wikipedia

Internet Web Hub

We offer space inspired by Wikinomics, just about 10 years since it’s publication. An internet web hub about future technologies open for everyone.


Entrepreneurs, students, scientists, politicians, artists and public.

Everything humans have achieved is due to cultural reproduction rather than self – actualization, although both play crucial roles in one another. Coming together, interacting, connecting and following a purpose as one, are the things that have held humanity alive for millenniums.

This is a project initiated and contemplated in cooperation between various teams of professional marketers, IT developers, managers and advisors representing a broad international selection of individuals and shall finally come to execution by Juvenile Business Society Europe.

We announce the Juvenile Business Society Conference will be held periodically both offline and online.

Planning to launch this project in early 2018, employing the best practice of previous successful online communication phenomenons many of which became, due to various reasons, an internet ephemera. Heading towards the opposite direction.

WE are #JBSEurope. An NGO in exchange with governments and corporations, aiming to harmonize life of existing generations with the technological shift in human society.